
Sunday, 2 January 2011

My way of storing lush products

From bath ballistics to soap, there's a way to store it all. Heres how i do it...

The picture above is an old bedside table that i used to use, but could no longer use it because i had no room. so now i store my lush in it

Here is the table open so you can see the way i store things

 I store my lush in the truly scrumtious gift box that i got for my birthday. It's a really handy box and looks super cute.

I keep my shower jellies in the containers that they come in, because it keeps them nice and fresh
(lush have changed the containers now)

I keep my bubble bars, bath ballistics, bath melts, massage bars and sugar scrubs in the yellow bags that lush gives you. because there so easy to handle.
I know that lush have massage bar tins, but i am not sure to get one yet as i have one massage bar and the yellow bags are fine.

This is a picture of how i store my soaps. I cut them up into small chunks, put them into plastic bags and then those into one plastic bag. I know this isn't a very good way of storing them, but i havn't found a better way yet, any suggestions?

 This box is the secret santa gift box which i recived for christmas. Inside i keep samples which lush gave me, and other small things like the bubblegum lipscrub, charity pot travel size, etc.

I keep my little satsumo santa out because i have nothing to put him in, and i have to use him soon because he was a christmas product, and they don't last forever.

If you don't have any lush gift boxes, or you just dont wany to store your stuff in them, then these plastic baskits are really useful. they are plastic so they wipe easily.
I found these baskets in tesco home living, £1 for 3 baskets.
(also avalible at B&M and poundland)

If you want something bigger, then these baskets would do the job. Again, they are plastic so they wipe down easily. Also found at tesco home living, £2 for 2 baskets

I hope this helped x

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