Hey everyone, i hope you are having a wonderful half term, even though it's nearly over (BOO). But we can't have everything in life that we wan't, can we?
ANYWAYS, i'm back! I am sooooo sorry that i haven't been updating my blog like i had promised too, but i have a list of excuses:
O.M.G you do not realise how much stress i have gone through with my dance group lately.
firstly, we was doing my dance to justin bieber somebody to love, a five person dance, it was all going very well UNTIL two of my dancers couldn't be bothered to make it to the show, (they actualy couldn't be bothered!!) so me and the other two dancers had to make new parts.
then my other two dancers made a new dance, and were doing that one. so i went through all of that stress for NOTHING.
Wait, theres more! the dance show was
supposed to be over a month ago, but it was postponed cus' no one was ready, then i was s'posed to be in february, then the 6th march, and now the 16th of march.
BUT were only alowed 3 dances in the dancee show from our school PROBLEM, there are 5 dances. 3 from the older girls (moi and my year) and the little year 5's. 6's and 7's.
our dance teacher will not get rid of one of her dances (cus' she has two) so we can have hers. so we have had to do remixes and crap.
So, that was one reason, long, i know!
As it has been near the end of term, us poor students have been overloaded with homework because of end of term tests. Talk about homework overload!
Yep, you read that right, boys! Just like every other teenage girl in the world, i get crushes. and lately i have had a big crush on this boy at my school. im not gonna say his name because, it's a secret. but, yeah....
I have fallen behind on youtube so much, i have so many videos to do to catch up on, and that's really stressing me out because i am a generally organized person, and it's not like me to fall behind on things i belive in. :(
About 5 weeks ago we got a new, one year old dog called lola. she is a rescue dog and needed lots of care. she is a west highland terrier and an absaloute cutie!but, we also have a cat, a rabbit, and a hamster too, so she's been wearing me out, too!
<this is Lola>
Ughh, i rlly CBA anymore. there have been so many fallouts, and makeups, and then other fall outs, and then you have friends going off with other friends, secrets being told. I CANT KEEP UP WITH THEM ANYMORE!!!
So, yeah. that is why i havn't been making any videos lately. i hope you can understand, but i already have the next few blogs planned.