
Sunday, 26 February 2012

My schedule

Hey everyonee,
SO, today im coming to you with my schedule so you can see why and when i will/wont be posting.
i know this is COMPLETLEY random, BUUTT, i thought you peoples should know this, soo here wee goooo...

Monday: school from 8:00am-3:05pm and homework night

Tuesday: school from  8:00am-3:05pm, homework night and upload video on my collab channel

Wednesday: school from  8:00am-3:05pm, help out teaching dance at the younger school and homework night

Thursday: school from 8:00am-3:05pm, homework night

Friday: school from  8:00am-3:05pm, swimming last lesson, homework night, update storys on quizazz

saturday: get up between 6 and 9 am, hang out with sian, go out (shopping, movies, wherever) update blog

sunday: get up whenever, do un-finished homework, hang out with friends, go out, film for my collab channel, main channel, vlog channel and organizing channel (i have a lot of channels to maintain)

SOOOO, thats it, i dont always do homework after school because, come on, what teenager wants to do there homework a week early when they can do it the day before its due?!
no joke...thats actually what i do.

Honestly, i could update my blog whenever i want, and whenever i have free time, i will, because i missed you peoples!!!

Sophie <3

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